Celebrate the conclusion of National Singles Week by meeting new single friends, 5 minutes at a time, at a fine hotel! Dress to impress. Saturday, September 21, 2024, 7-9pm.

Speed Dating with 2 age groups for men and 2 age groups for women.
Ages 40+ to 60 for Women & Ages 45 to 65 for men
Ages 25 to 40 for Women & Ages 30 to 45 for men




$20 Special for Young Women (prepaid only)!

We request that everyone purchase at least one drink.

BONUS: Free appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last!

LOCATION: Hyatt Place, 3101 W Warren Avenue, Fremont CA. Free parking!

CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, Your Asian Connection, Bay Area Singles Events and Travel, and dozens of singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, https://www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind.

DISCOUNTS & MORE FUN EVENTS at www.thepartyhotline.com.